Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sunday July 12th 2009

"The Inukshuk Cross"

This may be a bad representation of photography for my first entry but I have decided to add it. This "Inukshuk Cross" was built by me and the other ABYe mambers at the first rally of Tidal Impact!

900 youth gathered in Sussex to prepare for a week of ministry, as ABYe we spent the day turning the hockey rink into a concert site. There was a stray cat that we named Ticat (the last 'T' is silent). He wandered around most of the day. We surprised Emily and Cory with a pregnancy present, and Sarah Dail with a birthday ice cream cake.

The youth were invited to bring non-perishables for the Sussex food bank and these are all the items they brought, we wanted to build a cross out of them. It was harder then one would think.

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