Saturday, August 8, 2009

Friday, August 7th 2009

"A Storm Between Two Bridges"

This week the Buskar Festival is going on down on the Halifax waterfront. Beth and I decided that tonight we would make our way down there to see the acts going on. Just as we got into the downtown area it started to rain so we drove around to see if it would stop.... it didn't. It got much worse and started to tunder and lightning. We saw a rainbow and decided we would chase it. The second picture above is the rainbow along with the Angus L. Macdonald Bridge.

As I walked back along the train tracks I looked up to see the A. Murray MacKay Bridge surrounded by a bright and beautiful sun. It was amazing. I don't think my photography skills did it justice. I stopped and snapped a few photo's.

I think that it was a much better evening then a rainy Buskars Festival.


  1. Beautiful! I LOVE the one with the rainbow especially. so cool!

  2. Okay that storm was crazyy on pei. those pictures are so nice. i love the rainbow and you captured the evening really well in the first one.
