Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wednesday August 12th 2009

"Friends in High Places"

Today Beth took Piper and flew away to another province, another time zone. I was left with a weekday off work and realized that I missed my good valley friends, since most work at Kingswood I made my way there. I stopped in Wolfville to pick up Courtney and in New Minas to pick up new batteries! Woot!

So when we arrived we got a tour of the camp haha. It was great. The day was great we spent hours and hours and hours there and enjoying the sunshine and fellowship. The photos of the day are of the great friends that I saw and got to spend time with that day.

After I dropped Courtney back in Wolfville I made my way to see Jenn and Jon for a moment... but I should have known that a moment in that house always turns into hours. We played a good game of Settlers with my new friend Rachel. haha. I heard some oh so famous Rachelism's.

It was a great day.... but a VERY late night getting to bed.


  1. Is that Mr. David Hockley, the Athletic Association President, that I see?

  2. That sure is..... He is not thinking about that yet though haha.

  3. School's only a couple weeks away! Wow, the summer went quick. But I'll continue to have warmth until November here in Haiti!
