Monday, January 11, 2010

Bundles of Joy.




























Christmas Day, as I stated in an earlier post is filled with family for me and directed toward the children. Mainly these four in my family. From top to bottom is Alex, Emma, Bailey, and Victoria. All of whom are my nieces and nephews. The day was filled with their joy, smiles, and anticipation of the day and, of course, the gifts.

Emma was the most excited to open her gift which was the biggest wrapped gift. When it was opened she found a fairly large box that was mostly empty. It is amazing how they really do not mind what it is at they open, but the element of surprise behind the coloured paper and tape.

Alex has started a new ‘bulimic’ attitude. He gags himself for attention. So all of his food ended up on the floor right after Christmas Dinner, talk about appetising.

Bailey is growing so big, nine years old and starting hockey this year so all of his gifts consisted of some sort of hockey gear. Oh and I went to one of his games a few days before Christmas. It was hilarious, he can’t stop himself on the ice so he runs into people and knocks them over. It was hilarious.

Victoria is your regular two year old. Loving life and milking it all in. She is the youngest I think she takes advantage, even at two. Haha…. she is definitely the baby of the family. She is getting over her fear of me and helped her brother beat me up once. It was a good time.

These are my family, and I love them all.

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