Tuesday, January 10, 2012


So, this whole going to the gym thing hasn't being going as great as I hopped. And On top of that I haven't been putting my gym lifestyle to practice outside of the gym.

I still eat whatever I want. I justify it because I never gain weight (except for that 10 pounds I gained over Christmas which actually brought me to about the weight I like to be). I Am not going to the gym to lose weight, by no means. I go to gain muscle, become a stronger person and develop my endurance (which is like zip).

I have discovered that this journey is a whole lot more than simply physical strength. It is challenging my mental strength as well. Every time I decide to go to the gym I have a battle in my mind which usually goes:

"I am going to the gym tomorrow, set the alarm, find some people, lets do this"
...Then I forget. Now its not like I intentionally forget to invite friends, or set the alarm, okay, maybe I do. But at least I had the initial thought!

On that rare occasion that I do set the alarm or tell people I am going there is that conversation JUST prior to actually leaving, you know the one.

"Ugh, whose alarm is going off in the middle of the night?"
"Why wont it shut up!?"
"Oh, its mine" (Since i am the only one who is ever home it makes sense)
"6:30!? That is too early, what was I thinking!?"
*Crawl back in bed*

...an hour later
"Awh man, I was supposed to go to the gym"

OR! Like today, I planned on going in the afternoon but was in a meeting that got out half hour late. Therefore I only had 45 minutes to spare before work. I am the KING of excuses and I have learned that they won't always work. Today I conquered those excuses and I actually went to the gym.... I stayed for 25 minutes, but I was still there!

So, In summary:
Gym life needs to meet real life in order to reach the best results.
No excuses need to stand between me and the gym (even if for just 20 minutes a day)
AND! I need to go to bed earlier.

Any of this sound oddly familiar to the Christian Walk?

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