This verse is about a whole lot more than courage in times when you feel like nothing and encouragement when feeling hopeless or hurt by the church. This verse is Paul telling Timothy that we, as Chrsitians need to have the strength to know that our life is the way to live- to be proud of how you live. If you are not proud then why? What do you feel guilty about?
The word 'Let' in this context can also be written as:
Stamp Approval...
Are you Consenting to people looking down on you?
Are you giving people permission to think you as less?
Are you authorizing someone to tell you that you can't do something?
Are you giving the stamp of approval to the way someone thinks you should act and live?
Christ is the only one who can determine if you are good enough, and let me tell you- He thinks you are.
Do Not let the rumors, the stereotypes, the insecurities, or the opinion of others get you down. Let them build you up- stand up for who Christ made you to be. An equal part of HIS BODY.
Set an example to those people who might think less of you- Do not give them permission, authorize, allow, or consent to their belittling of who you are.
You Are a child of the King, Co-Heir with Christ Jesus, a new creation, a saint, and most importantly WE ARE ALL GOD'S WORKMANSHIP- none any less significant than another.
Thanks Diggy for sharing!