Before I begin- I know this post is long BUT I have made it easy for you- if you don't want to read the whole post the important information has been bolded and italicized for you. :)
As most of you know, I am studying to become a pastor.
This has been a thrilling and exciting journey for me, discovering new and exciting mysteries in the bible, travelling all over the world declaring HIS great name, and building relationships with other Christian's all around the world. Usually when I tell people that I am going to become a pastor I get a typical response. The conversation usually goes as follows:
Person: "What are you studying?"
Me: "I'm getting my masters in divinity"
Person: "What's that?"
Me: "I'm not sure entirely but it is the degree I need to become a pastor"
At this point the person either turns and runs, awkwardly tries to change to hide some part of their lives, speech, or appearance (I love this reaction most), or they say something along the lines of:
"I hope you make churches better than they are now"
Boy does this line drive me nuts!
Since when has it been a pastor that makes a church good or bad?
When did the ownership shift from the congregation to the pastor?
I particularly find this happening among my own generation- understandably. There are so few of us making up the congregation that our voice isn't heard, or we become frustrated with the lack of relevant ministries, preaching, teaching, yet there are more than enough opportunities to serve and be used in the church.
This is what drives the younger generation away from the church and I thought this was an issue mainly among those who left the church after high school, or who didn't go to church or youth group as youth at all but I was proven wrong recently.
I have discovered that even people who have been to bible college, severed the Lord, been active in ministry and know what ministry is all about are among those who are falling away from church because it is not relevant to them.
Again, I wonder when this became the pastor's fault.
We are called to be the church, to all generations, to all people, despite their previous experiences, traditions, or backgrounds- this includes those who are already weekly attending church who we don't see eye to eye with.
This is a call to my generation. It is time to quit complaining- stop your belly-aching and man (or woman) up. Don't complain about the church just to complain, it is time to make a difference. Time to make the church what you want it to be and not simply complain about what the church is doing wrong. I know that as human beings we love to complain- older people complain about the disrespectful and free nature of the younger generations, younger people complain about the stubbornness and conservative nature of the seniors.
(Oops, a bit of a rabbit trail) Back to the point-
If we, as young Christians, can't stand the church how do we expect our non-Christian friends to respond? We need to step up and take on our role in the church- voice our opinions, make a difference so that we might be able to make the church what we want it to be- so that the church would be more inviting to those people around us. I can guarantee that the pastor of your church is looking for your help.
Take on a ministry, use your passion, start by reaching those older generations sitting in church beside you and let them know that you are not that disrespectful miscreant there to ruin their life (unless of course you are-then keep that secret). Take ownership of your faith- of your church- of your generation and make a difference.
The church is NOT what the pastor makes it, the church IS what the congregation makes it and YOU are part of the congregation so make it what you want- become a member, attend business meetings, voice your opinions, vote for your generation and make a difference in YOUR CHURCH.
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