Thursday, February 3, 2011

One. Or None.

This post is not for the easily offended.

This post is for those searching for Absolute Truth.
Many people may be saying or thinking "Wait. What? Absolute Truth? What is that? There is no absolute truth."


Society has come to a point where it is philosophically believed that each person is right, that there is no such thing as absolute truth. Growing up I heard terms like "Everyone is different" and "Accept everyone just as they are."

Both of these thoughts are correct, yet they have led to accepting everyone and accepting everyones beliefs and thoughts. There are exceptions to this rule, like if a person's belief means causing bodily harm to another person or pressuring another person into a situation they are not comfortable with. Generally, as long as you are not bothering other people you can believe what you want.

Sounds great, I can believe what I want without being ridiculed or pressured into another belief. But what does it really mean?

It really means that evangelism of the lost is gone.
It really means that education on religion disappears, which means that:
It really means people are trying to figure out religions on their own,
It really means people are choosing their religion based on what sounds best to them.
It really means that more people are dying and not going to Heaven to spend eternity with God.

There can only be ONE absolute truth. ONE GOD. ONE Creator. ONE Saviour. ONE.

Allah, Buddah, God, Joseph Smith

These many beings didn't always exist, they didn't ALL create the world. Some have appeared over time and people began to follow them.


Many Christian's hear that someone is Atheist and become afraid, wanting to do everything they can to prove God exists but if they hear someone say they are Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish or Mormon there seems to be less urgency in telling them about Christ.

The simple fact is that Christ Jesus came to relieve us from the old law, to save us from eternal punishment, and to serve as the only medium in which we may receive eternal salvation and glory in Heaven. Yet there is less urgency in telling Muslims, Buddhists, Jews about Christ than an Atheist? How can that be?

Is God going to look at a Muslim and say "Oh, you almost had it, you were following a god, you are okay" and then look at an Atheist and say "You saw my creation and did not believe" and allow one to enter into His Kingdom but not the other? No. Neither will get to spend eternity with Him.

There is only ONE way. ONE.

What does that mean for this postmodern world? Can we continue to accept everyone and their beliefs? Will this world survive if we do not begin to offend those are not listening? Jesus lived His life offending those who did not believe.

Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven, all other religions lead away from the One True God. All other religions lead to Hell. There can only be One Truth when it comes to religion.

I told you this post was not for the easily offended.


  1. This is what was spoken on in chapel today!!! We are called to communicate the TRUTH to everyone, we will face opposition for it (which means we're doing what is right), we must persevere through it, fruit will eventually come (not from the messenger, but from the message), and finally glory will be given to God for it!!! (Acts 13-14, 2 Tim 4:2)

    Preach it!!!

  2. I'm sorry to say that I believe in a God, but not Jesus. Even before Jesus came there was always a feeling of something greater than us whether it was referred to as God or various gods.
    I can't say I am offended or disagreeing, I grew up as a Baptist myself. Though I can't say I can agree completely with the some of the Bible's lessons, more or less the ones that are glorified reasons for war.

    I hope you are able to show people the most meaningful lessons the Bible has to offer. Blessed be. :)
